Robert Wilson Foam Roofing


How is Sprayed Foam Roofing Applied?

Sprayed Polyurethane Foam is fluid applied using plural-component spray equipment to fill cracks and crevices. It then expands approximately 30 times its original liquid volume to form a hard, closed cell, monolithic roof surface.

The Polyurethane Foam dries within seconds after applied to the roof's surface. Its' expansion results in a weather tight roofing membrane that is fully adhered to the substrate. Because polyurethane is lightweight, it adds little additional weight to the structure.

Polyurethane Foam has a history of more than 50 years as a maintainable roofing medium. Polyurethane Foam adds excellent insulation value to the structure, and utility bills can reflect the difference, up to 30%-70% on energy consumption!

Once the SPF has been applied to the proper thickness and finish specifications, protective layers of elastomeric coating  are applied. The reason for the elastomeric coating is to protect the foam from the sun. If the foam is exposed to the sun, it can oxidize and wear away. This protective layer produces a durable, weather resistant surface that can be walked on for normal maintenance.


What is the life span of a Spray Foam Roof ?

There is no known end to the service life of a properly installed and maintained Spray Foam Roof. If the coating for an SPF roof is properly maintained, then an SPF roof can last a life time. Every ten or fifteen years, depending on the type and amount of coating installed, the roof will need to be cleaned, primed, and recoated. If this is done, then a quality SPF roof could last longer than you!

How do you maintain a Spray Foam Roof System?

Typically SPF roof systems are re-coated every 10-15 years, depending on the type of coating used, and factors specific to the roof (such as wind erosion effects, hail, foot traffic, abuse, etc.) Recoating extends the service life of the SPF roof system.


How do Spray Foam Roof Systems compare in cost to other roofing systems?

SPF roofing systems are very cost competitive with other systems, and code compliant. Life Cycle Cost Analysis performed by Michelsen Technologies demonstrated that over a 30 year life span, SPF roof systems cost between 10% and 50% less on average than comparably insulated membrane roof systems. (Averages were based on SPF roof system recoats of every 6, 10 and 15 years. A copy of the Life Cycle report is available from SPFA.)

Why is there a need for coatings over the foam?

SPF is water resistant without other coverings, however, the surface of SPF can deteriorate under the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. Typically, elastomeric coatings are used to protect the SPF against UV radiation.

Can I walk on the roof after the foam is installed?

Yes! The foam we install is a higher dense material, unlike lighter foams such as styrofoam and insulation wall foams. The roof can easily handle normal walking and wear and tear, though it weighs only a few ounces per square foot.

Why haven't I heard of foam roofing before?

Sprayed Polyurethane Foam (SPF) is commonly used on flat and sloped roofs due to the necessity of heat reflection, insulation properties,truly seamless and energy savings.  When you look at the long term benefits of foam roofing, such as the solution for ponding water, renewability, energy savings and waterproofing, then it is clearly the best choice. SPF roofing is becoming increasingly popular all over the world.


Why don't all other roofing contractors offer Sprayed Polyurethane Foam?

The start up cost and materials are expensive, the equipment is high tech, and many roofing conractors lack the spray foam application experience needed to insure correct installation. 

How does Spray Foam Roofing save money?

During the hot summer months, on a majority of buildings, heat is convected through the roof.  SPF creates a thermal blanket that insulats and shields the roof from infrared rays.  The roof never heats up, as the heat is not convected to the inside of the building. This results in lower air conditioning costs. During the winter months, the foam acts like a blanket keeping the heat inside the building.

If I have any further questions, how can I get them answered?

Call us! 701-270-7828